Sunday, December 29, 2013

Kick it with STKD

Cool news from Sykesville Tae Kwon Do Academy!

Have you ever seen an awesome Karate demo? Well now you can. STKD (Sykesville Taekwondo Academy run by Master Bun Huor) has a fab demo team where they perform awesome tricks. Not just with there bodies but with cool weapons such as Sword, Nunchucks, and Bo Staff. I'll get the dates as soon as I can so you can see them!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

That Kid was good at sparing. Here is me at one of my tournaments. Forms and sparing, And creative forms. Enjoy
I love to see this kid spar. Mabye he'll show us some moves through this video! You can look at some more on this blog too!

From Elise


My Karate Story

Way before I was alive My mom and her younger sibling took karate. My mom and her siblings trained alot like I do. And one day when I was 7 I said to my mom. I want to do a Sport. Her reply back was sure,What about Karate. My responce was YESSSSS!

So we looked at many schools until I found the perfect school,Even though all the schools I went to were awesome. I started training right away. I tried really hard to do as well as I could. And at the end of the class we would play a fun game called dodgeball. We did this to help us to get out of the way when things were coming at us. So when I was 7 dodgeball was a fun game, but to my teacher it was a defence game.

And after advancing from a class called Dragons (that was a program for kids who are too you to go to the real belts) I finally got into the last level of belts. Solids at the age of 8. Now I am ten years old an I am a red belt. And in my school I have two more belts till I am a Black Belt. I love attending Tournaments And I love Karate. It has been a big help with confidence in my life and I cant wait to learn more!!!




All Things TaeKwonDo

Tournaments coming up:

2014 Maryland State Championships, March 1st, Hartford Community Collage.

2014 USAT National Team Trials, January 9-14th 2014, Colorado Springs, Colorado

For more go to 


Karate School of the Month

Sykesville Tae Kwon Do Academy.

This School has a wonderful way of teaching like many other Schools. I loved all the Heart the Students put into their work and the way they work as a class. Not to mention I loved the Schools compition team. And I love all schools and its hard to pick one for a whole month. So I would love to  hear all about your schools so if you would like your school to be The school of the month please send me  a full description about your school and It might be nominated!!!!




The Kick of the week is... A Spinning Hook kick!

I Love the spinning hook kick for one reason. The fun of the kick. I like Spinning. So to me a spinning hook kick is almost like a dance move. And I love to dance. And the thrill of hooking your leg at the right time. I love  thrill. And if you have a favorite kick tell me. Id love to know, You can tell me in comments. Id love to hear and that just might be the next kick of the week!


The reason I love Karate

The reason I love Karate is that you can build confidence up in your self and protect you self physically and mentally. You can learn to defend you. But not only you but others around you like friends and family. You can tell me why you love karate too. Please inclued your name if you want to be mentioned in "the Reason I love karate" posting. If not just tell my why Id love to know.


Karate Belts

The main belts are usually White,Yellow,Orange,Green,Blue,Purple,Red,Brown,and Black. But there could be more that I dont know of. White Stands for a seed just being planted. Yellow stands for the seed is finally ready to sprout. Orange repersents the seed finally sprouting and is begining to grow.
Green: as the sproutling starts to grow so does its strength.  Blue:As the plant grows it starts to reach for the sky. Purple: the plant has learned much but still has more to go. Red: the plant has grown enough to where a tiny bud has came. Brown: The bud grows with what the student has learned. Black:The bud has finally Bloomed and the plant is fully grown. Hope you enjoyed!

That was my first post and I hope it was helpful to you. Thank you if you were one of those people who commented! I plan to post again soon.

